nad sedih sangat....
sebab apa?
about friend??
unbelievable...my friends make me sad....
I don't know...
they changed a lot...
even my bff also....
if I've done a mistake,,I'm sorry...
I'm not an extra ordinary person who doesn't make any mistake at all....
I feel like they much further from me...
I don't know why....
Azira no longer with us....
Shidah hang up with her k-pop friends....
Faziera is always busy....(well,she is the monitor's assistant)
Umi,,I think someone took her from me....
but who?? I don't know...and I don't want to know...
if I know it, I'll surely hate that person....
everyone changed a lot...
they seems didn't realize what happen right now....
Umi and her FB....
Fazy and TV....
Shidah always k-pop...
Azira?? I don't know...she with naziatul now....
were they know that they are in form 3??....
PMR is going to take place soon....
TV,FB and Kpop are more important than PMR??
I don't mind if they put me aside,,but don't PMR....
this is important for their future....
look! Umi said
"daripada pergi kem tu,baik saya duk rumah online facebook"
hah! online??
diorang ni tak sedar lagi ke??
adus!! seriau dibuatnya....
bukan nak kutuk,tapi nad nak meluahkan rasa kecewa nad terhadap kawan kawan,,,,
yes! I'm a coward!
tak berani nak cakap depan-depan....
classmate yang lain pun sama.....
sampah tak reti nak kutip.....
boleh pulak diorang belajar dalam keadaan kotor.....
buat malu dengan cikgu je.....
macam ni ke perangai pelajar 3 krk 1??
patutnya jadi contoh kat pelajar lain....
nad malas nak komen lebih lebih pasal diorang,,,,
tau jelah diorang ni....bukan boleh kena kutuk.....
masalahnya orang bukan kutuk,,cuma nak menyampaikan apa yang orang rasa je....
salah ke??
lepas ni ada la tu orang komen kat sini....
dah masak sangat diorang ni....
dah hangus dah pun....
ps:kalau terasa jangan marah
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