org sana sini sibuk ckp pasal Halloween....tetiba teringat pulak nak post pasal entry nih......nowadays,,byk cerita seram yg dihasilkan.....tkde idea laen ke nk wt filem......bosan lah....cerita hantu je memanjang......dh tk menarik dah cerita2 hantu ni......kebanyakan cerita memaparkan kisah khurafat,,terpesong dr agama,,tahyul,, pasal bomoh2 la......apa ni?? buat cerita lawak ke,, apa ke.....kesian pd org yg lemah semangat
Monday, October 31, 2011
org sana sini sibuk ckp pasal Halloween....tetiba teringat pulak nak post pasal entry nih......nowadays,,byk cerita seram yg dihasilkan.....tkde idea laen ke nk wt filem......bosan lah....cerita hantu je memanjang......dh tk menarik dah cerita2 hantu ni......kebanyakan cerita memaparkan kisah khurafat,,terpesong dr agama,,tahyul,, pasal bomoh2 la......apa ni?? buat cerita lawak ke,, apa ke.....kesian pd org yg lemah semangat
Sunday, October 30, 2011
korang sume mesti suka dengar lagu guna earphone kan?? I wanna tell ya something......korg mungkin dah Nad nk bg tahu a reminder for ya........usage of earphone for a long hours can cause deafness.....kalau nk jd pekak guna lah lelama.........
so,kalau boleh masa guna earphone tu,, 'low'kan kira sama ada korg pasang earphone tu kt laptop ke, media player ke,, iPod ke, handphone ke..etc......n jgn guna lama2.....kalau guna sekadar tk nk org membebel tkpe kot....sbb biasa nya org membebel tk lame sgt kan??? *it's my habit* hehe......kalau nk guna earphone guna dlm setengah jam je.....
I got a story...It is about my friend who always use headphone........memang tabiat dia dengar lagu guna earphone......volume tinggi pulak tu......nak tau apa jadi?? sekarang ni kalau nak cakap dengan dia kena ulang twice and kuat2.......kesian pulak tengok......pernah sekali dia kena sindir dgn sorg budak lelaki......
"S****h *(nama yg tk boleh ditaip....demi menjaga nama baik seseorang...bukan mencarut)* tu stress sangat *(PMR was around the corner)* sampai tak dengar dah..."
kesian sgt2 kt,,jadikanlah cerita yang hyper-pendek di atas tu sebagai pengajaran.....sama2 lah kita menjaga telinga kita ni.....nak pakai lama wo *(bagi yg maseh mude)*..... selamat beramal...hihi~
Sunday, October 23, 2011
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ihsan dari FB account Sheikh Alif |
raya hari tu,Nad ada pegi jenjalan kat rumah sedara mara....ada jugak sedara mara yang datang umah nenek......macam2 fesyen Nad jumpa.......tapi yang tak bestnya,, fesyen tu terlalu melampau....sampai memdedahkan aurat......ape guna kat IC letak agama Islam tapi tak berpakaian macam Islam.......tak salah nak berfesyen,,tapi jagalah batas aurat tu.......kebanyakan Nad tengok,,diorang ni pakai shawl.....tapi atas dada....kan kita kena tutup dada......tak guna kita melawa tapi kita menambah dosa.........ada jgak yang Nad tengok pakai tudung tutup separuh kepala je......dah macam mak datin pulak ye.....padahal baru umur 14 tahun......dah lah kain terbelah dari paras peha......kalo macam tu baik tak payah pakai kain kan......tak tahulah kalo jahitan kain dia tu terbuka.....maklumlah kain ketat sangat kan.....apa2 pun, jangan bersikap prejudis......maybe ade sebab dia pakai macam tu kan *kalo ade la*...... kesian betul diorang tu......nak melawa tapi tak ikut syarak......
Thursday, October 20, 2011
korang mesti selalu dengar orang dewasa gaduh dengan ramaja kan??? sama ada cerita kwn2 atau pengalaman sendiri....mesti akan ada perselisihan antara dua golongan ni dlm satu2 kiralah perkara tu berkaitan dgn remaja atau dewasa......mesti ada yang tk setuju......jangan kata "TAK" sebab Nad sendri ada pengalaman mcm tu...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
lately I've stuck in a trouble of falling asleep.....I've been thinking for a donkey years how to overcome this friends told me to drink a fresh milk before may help o reduce the problem....yes it works....but not so effective....I had went through a few website and fortunately I've found a website and it helps me a lot.....well, I think I should share it with you...who knows you might be in the same boat with me, right??
if you hardly sleep in the night, wake up several times during sleep,feel tired or fall asleep during the day and feel not refreshed when you wake up it means that you are suffer from have to treat it immediately or it will affect your daily life routine....the problem may lead the dropping down of your reputation especially if you are a worker or a treat the problem you have to look for the doctor....ask some advice to reduce the problem.....wrong treatment and taking wrong drug or wrong dose may make your insomnia going worse....
insomnia may happen because of depression and stress....well,,it is better if you find someone such as psychiatry to reduce your depress....don't bring any problem from your office or school etc to your bed....don't think about the problem when you are on your bed......does get enough work out may also cause the problem.....television, computer, or smartphone in bed.....Working evening or night shifts,,,Spending too much time in bed while awake.....Going to bed at different times each night.....Daytime napping......Poor sleeping environment....taking drug also lead you to insomnia....taking alcohol....heavy have to prevent these things......
take a regular sleep,,enough exercise......take some problem lightly and don't think too much about the problem....most important,,,prevent depression and stress....
bye..sweet dream~
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if you hardly sleep in the night, wake up several times during sleep,feel tired or fall asleep during the day and feel not refreshed when you wake up it means that you are suffer from have to treat it immediately or it will affect your daily life routine....the problem may lead the dropping down of your reputation especially if you are a worker or a treat the problem you have to look for the doctor....ask some advice to reduce the problem.....wrong treatment and taking wrong drug or wrong dose may make your insomnia going worse....
insomnia may happen because of depression and stress....well,,it is better if you find someone such as psychiatry to reduce your depress....don't bring any problem from your office or school etc to your bed....don't think about the problem when you are on your bed......does get enough work out may also cause the problem.....television, computer, or smartphone in bed.....Working evening or night shifts,,,Spending too much time in bed while awake.....Going to bed at different times each night.....Daytime napping......Poor sleeping environment....taking drug also lead you to insomnia....taking alcohol....heavy have to prevent these things......
take a regular sleep,,enough exercise......take some problem lightly and don't think too much about the problem....most important,,,prevent depression and stress....
bye..sweet dream~
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Apa dah jadi nih??? banyak sangat cukai kena bayar......cukai itulah,,cukai inilah.....tak cukup dengan cukai yang berlambak,,dinaikkan pula kadar cukai....keadaan ni sama je dengan keadaan masa British jajah Tanah Melayu.....suruh penduduk usaha kebun,lombong,etc pastu kena bayar cukai......cukai tu buat apa??? nak bayar kad kredit diorg,,nk pergi holiday,,nk shopping kt luar negara, nak beli barang kemas diorg....bukan utk keselesaan penduduk Tanah Melayu.....negara kita dah lama merdeka,,tapi pendudk masih dibelenggu rasa tidak-merdeka....sebab apa?? sebab diorg kena bayar cukai yg berlmbak stlh diorg kerja keras.....sbb tu rakyat Malaysia byk yg merompak, mencuri....duit dari hasil pekerjaan halal diorg dah habis kt cukai je....nk bli makanan,pakaian guna apa???dah lah brg2 kt Malaysia ni mahal.....wajarlah kalau ada org kata pendudk Malaysia tkkan kaya smpai bila2....semua orang fikir pasal diri sendiri tapi tk fikir pasal orang lain....apa nak jadi zaman sekarang ni??
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I've found many people that always think badly about others....they don't know what's happening and don't try to know....they look at the matter at a glance and they make their own conclusion...without investigating anything.....I just don't get they have any psychic power?? do they know what people thinking about??? I go a few story here....I still remember the event....a boy get my goat....I whispered with my friend but I don't talk badly about others....I'm no-bitchy.....but there's a boy who suddenly notice us accused my friends and I talk something about it hard for him to ask us what were we talking about?? I hate to be in the condition..and here another story....It is a girl.....whatever people around her doing something that looking not-so-suspicious she quickly said that they were making something wrong....without realizing, the one who doing the wrong thing is her.....we shouldn't think negatively about is proper if we ask them what they were doing before making our own conclusion....people won't do anything without any reason....if it happen,,it means that they really doing something bad and we should prevent it.....
Friday, October 14, 2011
PMR had officially end last Monday...Only God knows how relieved I am upon hearing the 'pengawas' announced that time for answering had over....I feel like wanted to scream as loud as I is like all the stress that I kept with me all the time had disappeared...POOF! but at the same time, I feel sad...coz after that, my friends and I will no longer be in the class....we won't meet up in the class....and I won't feel it's hubbub again....and I will miss some of them coz they won't come to school....when will I feel the circumtances before PMR again?? next year?? kalau ada di antara kawan-kawan dah tkde kt cni?? kalau diorg sekolah kt tmpt laen?? cmne?? surely I will miss them....
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