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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

city needs electricity

hi there.....
korang tahu tak pagi tadi,, dalam pukul 4 lebey kot *agak je* bekalan elektrik tiba tiba terputus........Nad tengah best tidur tiba tiba rasa panas berpeluh......well,, tak la rasa panas sangat......sebab angin sejuk kat luar masuk dalam rumah ikut lubang angin.......tapi kalau kipas tiba tiba terpadam,, korang boleh perasan la kann...... bila Nad tengok keliling,, gelap semacam jek......rupa rupa nya black out......dengan segala kudrat yang ada,, Nad pun dengan pantas nya lari ke ruang tamu dan mendapat kan mommy ku......heheh......ingat kan black out sebab kena kilat,, tapi mommy kata satu kawasan gelap......aik?? what happen?? kusut kejap rambut duk fikir pasal black out nih......masa tu dalam kul lima suku kot.........da alang alang bangun,,, berjaga je la sampai subuh.......dalam pukul 6 lebey rasanya bekalan elektrik ada balik........hahah.......

pagi tadi memang satu family duduk berteleku di ruang tengah bertemankan cahaya lilin sebatang je......tak tahu la macam mana lilin banyak banyak boleh takde.......nasib baik jumpa satu..........torchlight??? menjajar cari bateri......da lama carik baru jumpa..........hohoho *bukan Xmas*..... menyedihkan betul..........da gelap baru nak carik lampu kan??? baru nak hargai elektrik kann??? manusia memang macam tu.......jarang nak bersyukur.......dapat peringatan baru tergedik gedik *jahat nye ayat aku* nak bersyukur..........
well,, kat sini Nad nak luahkan perasaan rasa terima kasih kat TNB yang selama ni menyalurkan *ada perkataan yang lebih tepat tak?* elekrtik kepada semua penduduk.....tanpa anda bergelap la kami........ wakakakaka.......lawak pulak rasa ayat tuh.....

tiba tiba Nad terfikir......cuba bayangkan peristiwa bekalan elektrik terputus berlaku kat tempat tempat yang guna banyak tenaga elektrik terutamanya lampu lampu macam i-City Shah Alam??? nama pun bandar cahaya......agaknya mesti kelam kabut kan??? hahaha.........orang ramai yang tengah besuka suki kat kawasan tuh tiba tiba jadi kelam kabut......lari ke sana ke mari mencari,, pengajaran nya,,, jangan lupa bawak torchlight yang siap dengan bateri yang masih boleh digunakan ke mana saja anda pergi........ *tiba tiba mengarut*...........

ada orang tak suka gelap kan??? diorang nak ke mana mana sahaja diorang pergi mesti ditemani cahaya walaupun sedikit......... diorang fikir bukan bukan kalo masuk tempat gelap.........tapi korang tahu tak,,, ada orang suka tempat gelap...... salah seorang daripada golongan tersebut adalah,,,,betul tu.....FATIN NADHIRAH ni suka tempat gelap......sejak bila??? ntah.....tahun lepas kut.......bayang kan masa form 1 Nad tidur bukak lampu terang benderang satu bilik......tapi sejak tahun lepas,,,Nad suka duk tempat gelap......tak tahu kenapa......tapi kadang kadang rasa sesak nafas duduk dalam tempat gelap....... tapi sometimes Nad rasa aman duduk dalam tempat gelap......ada sape sape tahu tak kenapa???? kalo tahu bagi tahu Nad ea.......

Nad suka keadaan yang macam nih.....
rasa best duduk sorang sorang.......rasa macam takde orang ganggu,,,aman,,,,tenteram.....

apa yang korang boleh conclude dengan gambar kat atas nih??? well,,, spooky place,,, a girl,, only girl,,,,,dark.....yes,,I like that place.....that girl is alone,,,,it is my life.......okey la,,,korang boleh kata ni sombong ....... janga gothic sudah la......kalau korang ni pengikut setia blog Nad,,, korang perasan tak yang gambar kata atas nih Nad pernah buat background untuk blog ni??? okey,,,Nad kadang kadang tu ada gak terikut ikut gothic tu......suka hitam and putih......etc..... tapi Nad tak pernah niat pun nak ikut gothic.......Nad tiba tiba terjatuh tangga cinta kat warna hitam.......and tetiba pulak had a crush on dark, spooky can blame me,, but I'm still innocent........ aku ni da banyak melalut la........mula mula type pasal elektrik pastu lampu pastu tiba tiba masuk pasal gothic pulak.......ape apa pun benda benda memang berkaitan antara satu sama lain.......
sebelum menghabiskan baca entry Nad hari nih,,, korang enjoy la dulu video bawah ni.......bukan nak tekan kan halloween or lagu tuh,,, tapi lampu lampu kat rumah tuh........lawa sangat sangat.........diorang memang pandai tahap gaban la.....

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Raining cats and dogs

well,,as you were informed that currently the rainy season had taken place.........bukan hujan ringan ringan macam bulu ayam tu tapi hujan lebat sedang melanda.........kalo pepatah inggeris kata "RAINING CATS AND DOGS"...........bukan setakat hujan je,,,ribut pun ada......macam macam benda terbang.......silap hari bulan,, nanti ada orang sangka piring terbang *UFO (unidentify flying object)* ...........padahal,, piring yang ada kat dapur orang diterbangkan angin......huhu....... *tetiba nak melawak* ........kih kih kih.......
consequence of the rain is : FLOOD.......and when the flood take place,, it surely a disaster to the people.......

hah! I got an equation:

huurrmmm,,,, kalau dah banjir melanda,, bukan kucing dan anjing saje yang jadi mangsa,, manusia pun kadang kadang ada yang temui,, pesan Nad kat sini,, jaga la diri masing masing........cuba tolak rasa nak main air banjir.......bahaya taw......lagi pun,, air banjir tu maybe ada kuman......yelah,, sampah sarap pun hanyut sekali.........jangan cari nahass........sekarang ni pun da heboh pasal bacteria escherichia coli atau pun biasa nya orang panggil e.coli.........mostly,, bacteria ni tak la bawak mudarat kat manusia......ada jugak yang boleh menyebabkan food,, hati hati yer........
okay,, it's scary.......harap harap tak kena hinggap dengan bakteria nih......

that's all for today from NADHIRAH

harap semua sihat sejahtera~

ooppsss!!!! sebelum Nad lupa *gimik bodoh* ,,,, enjoy lagu nih dulu taw........

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rain of teardrops

tetiba pulak Nad rasa nak post pasal air mata.......nape pulak ni??? sebab tadi Nad baru lepas nangis.......nape nangis?? sape buat?? heheh....tak payah nak ambil berat sangat la yer......tak diperlukan pun.....Nad da biasa merajuk sendiri pujuk sendiri....... *I'm not in mood*........nape Nad buat rain of teardrops?? bukan a drop of tear?? sebab setiap kali Nad nangis,, air mata Nad turun mencurah curah macam hujan....... *refer to the photo below*

pastu ambil masa lama nak berhenti nangis........da la sekarang ni musim hujan kat sini........ditambah lagi dengan air mata Nad yang turun macam air paip mahu banjir kat sini nanti kan?? takpe kat sini  ada bomba.....minta diorang datang guna bot,,pindah kat tempat laen......HOI NADHIRAH!! MACAM LAH KAU NAK DUDUK RAMAI2 KAT TEMPAT PERLINDUNGAN BANJIR......alamak! aku,,boleh tak jangan marah diri sendiri???? ...... dah lah tak boleh dimarah.....nanti nangis,,susah pulak.....hehe.....NAD suka nangis kalo ada masalah...rasa macam setiap titisan air mata tu bawa keluar masalah dalam diri Nad........bila da nangis puas2,,,,rasa lega yang amat tersangat.........rasa macam beban yang bertenggek atas bahu da terbang pergi....... consequently,, I got a pair of swollen eyes........huhu.......ah! don't forget I got my nose turn to red....... a few moment later,, I felt like I just swallow hypnotic..........haha.........bila da nangis tu sape jadi mangse??? teddy bear la of coz..........benda tu la yang aku peluk tiap tiap malam.....benda tu jugak yang aku lambung sampai ke siling bila aku bosan......benda tu jugak yang aku buat kesat air mata aku bila aku nangis........ SAHABAT YANG TERAMAT SEJATI........huhu........nasib baik aku ni suka kumpul teddy bear.......takde la teddy bear yang sama je jadi mangsa aku......haha.........korang nak tahu something??? ni rahsia Nad dengan korang je taw.....jangan bagi tahu orang laen....... SSHHHH!!!!! Nad ni cengeng atau dalam bahasa yang mudah difahami : mudah menangis............

Faktor-Faktor Yang Menyumbang Kepada Kejatuhan Harga Air Mata Nad:

  • kena marah dengan parents
  • di'ignore' oleh kawan
  • markah exam jatuh (walaupun tak mendadak,,kalo mendadak lagi banjir)
  • laptop or handphone mengadakan mogok secara tetiba
  • "fit as a fiddle" menjauhi diri
  • stress bertamu
  • tengok atau dengar cerita sedih (bukan cerita jiwang *akutaklayanceritamacamtu*)
  • terkenang nasib diri terutama bila berdiari
  • etc...................................

perkara yang paling Nad benci masa Nad nangis adalah tetiba orang ketuk pintu bilik.......kalo nak tanya sebab Nad nangis takpe gak.....tapi ketuk pintu sebab nak pinjam barang.......adoiyai......kacau je orang nak layan perasaan yang gila nih.......

jom nangis balik~


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Maal Hijrah


jangan la rasa pelik pulak.....takkan la time nak masuk satu januari je nak ucap HAPPY NEW YEAR kan?? Maal Hijrah pun kena ucap jugak.......Maal Hijrah pun NEW YEAR gak.....bagi kalendar Islam.......WELL,,setiap kali NEW YEAR mesti korang ada tanam pokok jangung azam baru kan??? apa azam korang tu ek?? boleh Nad tahu?? takpela.....tak payah bagi tahu......NAD doa kan korang punya azam tahun baru ni tercapai dengan jayanya.......tapi azam korang tahu lepas tercapai tak??? kalau tak jadikan azam lama tu tercapai dulu baru nak capai azam baru.........apa azam NAD tahun ni ek??? entah la......macam belum ada lagi.......*ntah pape*.......azam Nad macam biasala......nak jadi anak yang baik,,kawan yang baik,,pelajar yang baik....kalo boleh nak jadi top-student.....hehe.....berangan je lebey.....Nad tak nak bebel panjang panjang.......

~penuhi azam dan keinginan~
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Friday, November 25, 2011


hidup ni penuh dengan masalah.......macam dalam lagu LENKA ,, TROUBLE IS A FRIEND.......trouble is our friend.......friend always be with us all the time.....just like trouble......we feel so uneasy when we caught in do, don't put others in trouble.......enough about I wanna talk about being fair to others.....kalo kita sayang kat orang tuh mesti kita layan dia lebih baik dari orang lain.......kalo dia mintak ape ape pun mesti kita bagi......dengan lemah lembut pulak tu.......pastu dia dapat lagi banyak dari orang lain kan?? betul tak......cakap dengan dia pun elok elok je kan?? tak sanggup nak marah marah dia......tapi dengan orang yang kita tak berapa nak sayang,, kalo dia mintak ape ape pun kita bagi tak berapa nak rela........kenapa jadi macam tu ek??? sepatutnya kita kena beri layanan sama dengan semua orang.......lebih-lebih lagi bila diorang ada pertalian darah dengan kita.....tak kira lah kalo kita benci dia sangat sangat.......macam dalam mahkamah,, hakim mestilah kena adil.......kalo tak adil maw hancuss negara.......sebab tak adil jugaklah ada hati yang terluka......ketidak adilan menyebabkan dunia jadi huru hara......balas dendam tercetus........parents selalu tak mengaku kalo orang kata dia tak adil dengan anak anak sendiri.....tapi tu hakikat nya........anak yang pandai mesti selalu dilayan lebih......dengan anak yang sorang tu kata tak boleh......tapi dengan anak yang laen kata boleh......isy isy isy........dah terang lagi bersuluh......fikir fikir kan la sendiri la ye.......

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Favorite Boy~

Gosh! I think I'm into him.....FAVORITE BOY....he is not my boyfriend,, but he is one of my favorite celebs.....who is he?? well, I think you saw the above photo and you know him well.....he is GREYSON CHANCE.....ok la....mula2 tuh Nad meluat gak orang sana sini sebut nama dia.......tapi bila da banyak sangat orang sebut, Nad pun try la usha dia kat youtube.....and guess what?? lagu pertama yang Nad dengar, WAITING OUTSIDE THE LINE......sedap gak lagu tuh......tengok kat video dia tuh nampak macam comel......ada ala2 Justin Bieber ade gak.....huhu.....patutla ada yang cakap dia tu clon JB.....hehe........usha punya usha tetibe plak rasa terminat kat dia......okey la.......honestly,,Nad ada rasa menyesal sebab take first step kenal dia.......consequently,,I'm addicting to him.....huhu......

ps: piano tuh kalo nak jual panggil Nad ea....huhu....lawa sangat2.....

nni lirik lagu yang sedap sampai mejilat-jilat nih....huhu

You’ll never enjoy your life,
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?
Rules and regulations,
force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation,
it’s time for you to seize the day
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Try to have no regrets
even if it’s just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
if you keep living blind?
Stuck in my same position,
you deserve so much more
There’s a whole world around us,
just waiting to be explored
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now, just let it go
The world will force you to smile
I’m here to help you notice the rainbow
Cause I know,
What’s in you is out there
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
I’m trying to be patient (I’m trying to be patient)
the first step is the hardest (the hardest)
I know you can make it,
go ahead and take it
I’m Waiting, waiting, just waiting I’m waiting
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
You’ll never enjoy your life
Living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
How you gonna reach the top?

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My name is my name

My full name is FATIN NADHIRAH....what does it means? FATIN means captivating, alluring, enchanting.... NADHIRAH means mom gave me that name.....thanks mommy.......dua dua nama tu bawa maksud yang baik.....sape tak nak dapat nama yang ada maksud cantik kan?? FATIN tu dalam bahasa arab....kalo dalam bahasa melayu maksudnya AYU.....NADHIRAH pun bahasa arab......bahasa melayu bagi nama NADHIRAH tu,, kalo nama Nad tukar jadi bahasa melayu jadi AYU SERI ke??? hehe.....lawa jugak nama tu kan??? tapi Nad rasa tak payah tukar la kan?? buat apa.....macam nama orang zaman dulu je kan.......strictly speaking, Nad suka ada nama FATIN NADHIRAH....bukan setakat suka,, tapi bangga....mana tak nya,,hari-hari orang panggil kita cantik.......huhu....diorang tak sedar pun.....diorang panggil Nad dalam masa yang sama diorang mendoakan Nad supaya jadi cantik and maybe diorang puji Nad jugak kan.... *perasan je* ….. tapi kenapa kat blog Nad guna nama NAD?? Sebab,, NAD tu pendek sikit nak ditaip…….tiga huruf je……kalo guna FATIN tu lima huruf…….*malas nak taip panjang panjang* ……. Secara jujurnya, Nad suka orang panggil Nad FATIN NADHIRAH……nama tu cantik……..tapi nama tu panjang sangat…….penat kalo orang nak panggil Nad macam tu…..tapi ada jugak orang yang hormat kesukaan Nad panggil Nad nama penuh……..* sayasuka sayasuka* ……..habes cerita pasal FATIN NADHIRAH……

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

sekarang ni cerita pulak pasal LUMINOUS LOVA…….kenapa Nad sendiri pilih nama tu jadi nama samaran?? Well,, LUMINOUS bermaksud bersinar-sinar dan bercahaya…….yes,, Nad suka bintang kat langit yang luas……Nad nak jadi macam bintang tuh…… bersinar-sinar…..bintang mengeluarkan cahaya sendiri……Nad nak jadi orang yang menyinari kehidupan orang lain……..*geleman jek* ……….. sebab tu Nad pilih nama tu…….LOVA tu pulak empat huruf awal bagi perkataan LOVABLE…….and lovable means mudah disayangi…….Nad memang suka sangat perkataan LOVA tuh……so,, nama LUMINOUS LOVA tu memang Nad pilih sebab maksudnya bukan sebab lain…….

Tapi kan,,ada jugak orang yang tak guna nama sendiri *macam Nad* and dia guna nama lain tapi maksud yang tak elok or tkde maksud langsung……ape la diorang nih…….kata kata tu satu doa…..kalo kita panggil orang tuh dengan nama yang tak elok,, lama kelamaan orang tu akan berperangai tak elok…….ada pulak yang menggelar antara diorang……nak cerita sikit,,, dah macam kebiasaan kat sini diorang panggil ‘bodoh’ sesame diorang…….yang dipanggil ‘bodoh’ tu tak marah pulak kena panggil macam tu….seolah olah diorang tu redha……tapi Nad tak tahulah apa yang diorang fikir bila orang panggil diorang  ‘bodoh’ ……tapi pada pandangan Nad,, kalo dipanggil ‘bodoh’ ,,sampai bila nak pandai kan?? Hari2 kena panggil bodoh…..bukan setakat bodoh,, tapi ada lagi gelaran2 yang diorang panggil kat kawan diorang…..Nad tak faham la orang kat sini……memangla Nad duduk kat sini da lame…..tapi sampai hari ni Nad fikir kenapa diorang suka hati je gelar orang dengan nama yang tak elok……orang yang digelar pun tak marah……..pening nak fikir…….so, Nad conclude,, tu da memang habit diorang……well,, Nad tak nak komen panjang2 pasal tuh kat sini…..*NANTI KENA HENTAM WO!* tak maw kejadian taon lepas ulang lagi…….

Ps: Nad nak mabil kesempatan kat sini nak mintak maaf kat sape2 yang terasa kat entry2 Nad……Nad tulis apa yang Nad nampak dan fikir…….tu je……Sorry again!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

memory of you

you have gone from my eyes long times ago
but I still can't toss you from my mind
everything I did reminds me at you
every single thing....

I used to hate when you scold me
but now, I miss it
and hey, I love the way you mad at me

made you cry was my habits
but everything turns to karma
you made me cry but it once
now I'm wishing that I never made you cry before

I'm in pain,I'm suffer
I don't want to keep you in my head
but I don't want to trash it
I just want to have it again

you had put me on top of the world
you let me wear the crown
you shed my tears away
you took my fears away

you are the best that I've had
I will not find someone better than you
cause you are the best
memory of you are my jewel
that I should keep it safely
and I should not loss it
once I loss it, I will regret forever
like I regret of letting you go...

written by : Fatin Nadhirah Mustafa Azizul

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Monday, November 21, 2011

makan makan makan makan makan

Sekarang ni banyak rancangan makan-makan kat TV kan?? Camne Nad tahu?? Sebab cuti sekolah ni,, *walaupun baru cuti tak sampai seminggu* Nad duduk depan TV je…..banyak sangat2 la…..kt AFC tu 24 jam rancangan masak je…. *memang la…..tu kan channel untuk rancangan masak je* ……yang bukan AFC pun banyak rancangan masak yang disiarkan……terbaru,kat Astro RIA, ada masterchef Malaysia…..aduiyai!! sedap2 betul makanan diorang tuh *mata yang rasa,,bukan lidah* ……sekali sekala jamu mata cuti sekolah ni takde salah kan?? *hati yang kate* tapi tu lah,,kesian pulak tengok diorang yang kena maki hamun dengan juri2 tuh……orang dah masak penat2,,telan je lah….banyak komen pulak…..kalo tak masak nanti kebulur pulak….*akudahmulamengarut*  Cakap pasal tu,,cuti sekolah ni,,aku rasa aku dah makan banyak……rasa badan pun macam dah berat sikit…..bukan rasanya badan Nad ni berat bukan sebab banyak makan,tapi malas nak gerak dari sofa…..hihi~ apela…..cuti sekolah patutnya tolong wat chores kan?? Bukan nya duk atas sofa empuk depan TV plasma tengok citer yang entah pape….. okeylah,,tak maw cakap pasal Nad,,tapi cakap rancangan masak nih….bukan apa,,Nad risau….ada orang tak boleh tengok makanan….kalo tengok dia akan rasa lapar…..walaupun baru lepas makan…….kesian dengan diorang kalo tengok cerita macam tu kan?? *sape suruh diorang tengok kan??*  haha….. rancangan2 macam ni pun menjadi faktor kegemukkan…..dah lah orang Malaysia sukar kawal diet…..baham je apa yang ada depan mata……orang kat Bangladesh,Somalia,afrika etc tu mati sebab kebulur….tapi rakyat Malaysia mati sebab lebih makan…….yang pelik tuh,,orang yang berada di tahap obesiti tak pulak cari jalan nak kuruskan badan…..tahu tak,,obesiti tu menyumbang kepada banyak penyakit…….lagi satu,,Nad tengok mak bapak budak nih tak kawal pemakanan anak2 diorang…..hari2 sumbat gula2…..tak bagus la……apa2 hal mesti diorang umpan gula2…..kena la fikir akibat nya……bukan fikir pasal diri sendiri je…..sepatutnya, kita kurangkan gula dan garam dalam pemakanan…….baru boleh sihat……


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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Experience At The Night Market

sebenarnya,Nad tak tahu nak post apa kat blog hari ini.......dekat dua jam termenung depan laptop,,idea tak menjenguk ke dalam otak,Nad pun geledah rak buku and Nad pun jumpalah buku latihan composition Nad......selak punya selak Nad pun jumpa satu karangan short story yang Nad anggap terbaik *buat Nad la*'s one of my masterpiece.......Maybe karangan ni tak sebaik karya William Shakespears tapi baik cuba daripada tak buat langsung nanti korang komen la *kalau korang bace entry ni* hasil karya Nad ni......sama ada atau pun KO and bagilah opinion korang ye......lagi satu Nad ada bakat jadi penulis tak?? bukan apa,,Nad memang nak kejar cita2 jadi doktor pakar jantung,, tapi dalam masa yang sama Nad berkenan dalam seni penulisan ni.......nak jadi macam ayah saudara Nad,, ENCIK JASIMAN AHMAD......Nad tak nak membebel panjang lebar....Hope korang enjoy baca karangan Nad ni......


Title: An Experience At The Night Market
Author: Fatin Nadhirah Mustafa Azizul

It was mid-term holiday. My father brought us to his hometown since my family and I have not met our grandparents for donkey years. The tiring and long journey took about a half day. We travelled by my father’s black and shiny Volkswagen. We reached our hometown about half past six.

                Luckily, at the nearest town of my grandparents’ house, there was a night market. Since I have never been to the market before, my grandparents asked me to accompany them. I felt so excited. I asked my parents’ permission and fortunately they approved it. My cute, chubby, little sister was crying like a baby because my benevolent parents forbade her to join us.

                My grandfather took us there by his old and classic brown car. It only took five minutes to reach the night market. My grandfather parked his beloved car at the road side. Once he turned the ignition off, I eagerly climbed out off the car. I felt so excited upon seeing throngs of people everywhere. The day was getting darker as the big and yellow, bright sun was about ‘to go away’. I saw most of the night market seller lightened up the lamp that were hung under the canopy.

                After that, I heard a noisy Zzzzz! sound. I thought it was sound of bees. Curiously, I asked my 65 years old-grandmother, “Granny, what is that sound?” Then, my grandmother answered softly, “my dear, that is the sound of a generator. The generator is used to generate the power to light up the lamp.” “Now I know,” I thought by myself.

                Three of us walked together at the night market. Since it was the first time I went to the night market, so I wondered what kind of things where sold there. I had found various type of food. There were a few of stalls selling fruits. I was influenced by the feeling of curiousity. Curious to feel the hubbub of the night market.

                Then, without I realized, I had been too far from my grandparents. I really had the time of my life on seeing the stalls with a large number of people. I kept walking and walking until I reached the last stall of the night market as the stall was arranged nicely in rows along the road side.

                It was 7.30 in the evening. Unfortunately, I had found that my grandparents no longer with me. I felt so scared. I looked at the face that passed by, no one of them look familiar. I am lost! My happy time turns into nightmare. “What should I do now?” I asked myself. It is like my brain lost its function. I could not think properly. I was at a loss.

                A rain of teardrops fall. Only God knows how afraid I was at the time. I tried to remember the path that I took before, but it was no worth at all. I did not remember anything that brings me there because I was so excited. I sat on a cracked white bench and tried to cool myself down.

                Five minutes later, I heard somebody called my name, “Najihah! Najihah!” I know that husky voice. My brown eyes wildly look for the sound. Then I heard that voice again, “Najihah, is that you?” I turned back and I shouted thunderly, “Granny!” My scared was all disappeared at once just like Poof! I felt so relieved. I thought my grandparents would not find me. The old woman wiped my tears by her square, red handkerchief.

                After all my tears and fears went away, my caring and loving grandparents brought me home. I kept silence along the journey to home. I was in trauma. I told myself “I don’t want to keep that tragic event in my mind.” We reached home about fifteen minutes to eight. I told the whole story to my parents after I got myself calm. My busybody sister also had her pair of ears on me. That smart girl laugh-out-loud at me. From that unpleasant day, I swore to myself that I will not step my feet to the place anymore. It was a nightmare at the night market.

corrected by : Puan Nor Mazlina ( english teacher of 3 KRK 1)

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

we found love

love? what it's mean?? it's a's a strong affection and show that we adore someone.......true love lead us to the true path and make us a good and kind person.....on the other hand,,untrue love is vice versa of the true is not about a girl and a boy only.....we need love in our daily Allah,love our parents and family, love our friends and most important, love ourselves......sometimes love comes at a wrong place and wrong times.....but we can keep it away.........some people say love can make us happy.....yes,because with love we can do anything we want heartily and we feel that we are loved by others.......but some say love brings pain to us........we can't deny that because when the person that we love had gone, we will cry for them and it surely brings us pain.....lovelivelife~

do have your pair of ear to this song.....the video might be dirty and you are not recommended to view it....


Yellow diamonds in the light

And we're standing side by side

As your shadow crosses mine

What it takes to come alive

It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny

But I've gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

Shine a light through an open door

Love and life I will divide

Turn away cause I need you more

Feel the heartbeat in my mind

It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny

But I’ve gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

Yellow diamonds in the light

And we're standing side by side

As your shadow crosses mine...

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place

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Friday, November 11, 2011

hari ni birthday my lovely mommy...


nadhirah cayang mommy!!!!


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ade kawan yang Nad baru kenal ni,,dia suka marah2......sikit2 nak marah2......yang menyedihkan tu,,dia marah2 kat Nad sorang je......aiseymen......sedih nye........tahu tak marah ni disebabkan apa?? sebab ada syaitan dalam hati tu.....sebab tu suka marah2........di saat manusia melepaskan kemarahan,, syaitan di dalam hati bertepuk kegembiraan........orang yang marah2 ni suka sangat nak syaitan menang kan?? Nad ada belajar kt sekola pasal tangani kemarahan ni......duduk kalau tengah berdiri,,baring kalau tengah duduk.....kalau da baring pun marah2 jugak??baik tidur.......susahkan orang je nak marah2......ape la.......kalau nak rasa marah,, cepat2 ambil wuduk,,basuh muka......tkpun pegi mandi......biar sejuk sikit hati tu.......marah ni adalah satu penyakit hati......korang nak hati korang sakit ke?? so,,jangan marah taw......

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

sayangi ibu bapa anda

I'm very sure that you all must love your parents right?? just like me.....but there are a few of us who do not love their parents........try to imagine.....I got a friend of mine.........his mother had passed's so sad upon hearing his story........he got his grandpa to look after him and his fourteen years old brother.......try to imagine,,if we in his come you love your boy friend or your girl friend but you hate your own parents.......on the other hand,,your parents love you more than everything and they will to yield their life for you.......bear in mind,,they had fed you since you were born.......they buy you everything you,, don't be a rude children and always love your won't exist without your love to them before it's too late..... BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ,,right? but,,it's worthless if it's late already.....


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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

traffic jam

korang taw kan raye haji baru habes......bukan nak cerita pasal raya haji......kan entry sebelum ni dah I wanna tell ya about traffic jam.......usually,, it occurs at the city......but, during the raya,, it going 'upside down' happens at the is like people at the city had POOF! when the raya silent as graveyard......the best simile for the circumstances.......but when it comes at the country,,it going vice versa.......hubbub and merry everywhere.......and it's the suitable time if you wanna see the traffic jam at the country.......


traffic jam?? how does it occurs?? one of the factors is the number of vehicles increase in a large number day to day.......just imagine,, a family has at least couple of cars......multiply it with the number of family in Malaysia......I'm pretty sure you'll say "WOW!! is this real??" .......and you'll count it again and again.....until you'll get tired........the consequence of increasing number of car is air pollution index (API) means the carbon monoxide is accumulate in the air......surely human have to face the the API increase,,the rates of diseases in Malaysia increases we want our Malaysian suffer from diseases that can easily avoided?? do we realize that our Earth is ruining every seconds?? just take a little time and think about it.....another bad effects of increasing the number of vehicles is the rates of accidents increase........that's why we hear about accidents everyday......the newest tragic accidents is involved 26 is out of our imagination right??? do all Malaysians want to stay at the hospital huh?? 

~good night~

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Sunday, November 6, 2011


well,,korg tahu kan hari ni hari raya aidiladha a.k.a hari raya qurban a.k.a hari raya haji a.k.a hari raya besar....sebab apa hari raya besar?? sebab sepatutnya hari raya haji ni disambut lebih meriah daripada hari raya aidilfitri.....tapi sekarang ni da terbalik pulak.......Nad dengar dalam ceramah kat tv pagi tadi.....diorang sambut raya puasa lagi meriah dari raya haji......raya haji disambut selama 3 hari *i guess..wallahualam* ,,tapi raya puasa disambut sehari je......yang sedihnya,,hari ni sorang pun takde bagi duit raye kat Nad....huk huk....mata duitan betul kan?? I've no is nothing for me.......tapi aktiviti biasa pada hari raya haji iaitu sembelih korban mesti ada......sama ada korban lembu, kambing,, etc.....masa korban tu memang best....tapi bagi orang yang suka sembelih2 je la.....bagi orang yang tak suka binatang *macam aku ni* ataupun tak suka darah *macam sedara aku* memang macam azab.......huh! azab di dunia.....HUWAAA!!!!! pastu dah hbes sembelih..bagi2 kan dapat berjalan pergi rumah2 jiran.....bagi2 daging.....daging untuk sendiri boleh buat BBQ.....bukan babi que taw (babi beratur *kawan aku kate*) ........hahahahaha........yang paling best sangat2 tu,, dapat kumpul satu family......riuh satu rumah.....da la sedara2 aku ni memang riuh....walaupun aku ni tak riuh,,tp dengar riuh2 tu pun boleh jangkit dengan aku......aku pun da jadi riuh kat rumah nenek aku nih.....balik terengganu,,aku diam balik.....perap dalam bilik je.....kih kih kih.....
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

bosom friends

aku tk tahu berapa entry aku cerita pasal kwn baik kt blog aku yg tersayang nih.........aku tk thu npe aku suka post pasal kwn baik......maybe sbb aku jarang ada kwn baik.........and maybe jgk aku tgh ada kwn2 yg teramat baik skrg nih.........aku ni da la pyah nk dpt kwn........ble da dpt kwn tuh,,mmg aku jaga friendship tu ada jgk org yg kwn dgn aku tk ikhlas.......mmg buat aku sedey...........aku tahu la aku ni lurus + bendul tk pyh la wt aku mcm nih.........cakap la terang2 tak nak kawan dengan aku......HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY .........baik berkata benar walaupun pahit........

kali ni Nad bukan nak membebel pasal khianat kawan,,tapi kejujuran sesama kwn.........TRUE FRIEND IS MIRROR OF HIS FRIEND.......boleh tak bagi tahu perkara yang jujur kat kawan........boleh la kita ubah apa yang patut kan?? takkan la kita sanggup nak tengok kawan kita mundur je kan?? jangan sebab nak jaga hati kawan,,maruah kawan kita sendiri sampai tercemar.......buatnya terpalit sekali kat kita,,kta jugak yang malu kan?? BETUL TAK?? kita pun kalau kena tegur dengan kawan,,kenalah terima dengan hati yang terbuka......jangan la fikir yang bukan2 pulak.......

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

just a memory

I don't know why did I share this video out of the blue......whereas,I should let the memory go with you......I shouldn't keep brings me pain....I know I wouldn't find someone like are not like the others......sadhearty~

I heard that you settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,"

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead." 

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