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Sunday, April 29, 2012

^^will be updated in a few weeks^^

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

exam fever

Nadh tak taw la nape setiap kali dengar EXAM IS AROUND THE CORNER tiba tibe datang rasa nak demam...... haha......

kat mult je kata nak exam,, tapi tindakan macam tak nak ambil exam..... duk ngadap laptop je..... hish!! ambil tukul and then ketuk kepala Nadhirah nie...... NADH,, wake up!!!! it's mid year exam..... masuk portal gorverment wo!! sape nak tersenarai dalam kalangan budak paling tercorot kann,, tapi bila malas dah menguasai diri,, tak ape yang boleh dilakukan except berjuang melawan perasaan malas tu..... tapi nampak nye,, penangan malas tu teramat la kuat..... huhu.... MESTI LAWAN MALAS!!!

tadi ada revise add math ciket..... Nadh tak taw la hantu mana da rasuk Nadh ni..... satu hape pun Nadh da tak ingat pasal add math...... belum lagi dengan yang tak paham tu...... kesian betul aku ni....... serabut rasanya kepala belajar add math..... agak- agak kalau tengah jawab soalan periksa tu tibe tiba datang sengal Nadh ni,, boleh tak Nadh buat macam ni

exam sinonim dengan stress kann?? ssebab apa stress ek?? sebab masa dekat dekat nak periksa baru korang nak study..... korang paksa otak korang ingat semua maklumat yang korang baca....... sebab tu korang stress......

moral of the story (chewahh!!) study till the last minute not study at last minute...... semoga berjaya exam nanti and korang doa kan Nadh jugak ea..... hehe..... thanks

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my fingers going out of control.....

korang semua sihat tak?? lame tak tanye khabar korang..... and lame jugak tak bloging blogging.....  I MISS MY BLOG VERY MUCH....... bayangkan lah,, da memang tabiat Nadh mengupdate blog pastu tiba tiba kene tinggal blog untuk masa yang cukup lama..... tipu kalau tak gila..... kadang kadang tu meroyan jugak Nadh kat asrama duk fikir pasal blog, fb, twitter, etc..... huhu ......... /╯﹏╰\  ............ 

okey okay..... tak maw citer pasal hell hostel banyak sangat..... Mau banjir malam ni...... sorry taw korang sebab maybe minggu ni takde entry pasal fakta...... I'm critically busy with revision...... lemme let ya something...... I'll be sitting for mid year exam next week and I don't get myself ready yet..... best student am I??? haha.... tak pun......

disebabkan Nadh hyper-busy yang teramat sangat,, diumumkan minggu ni cuma ada satu entry je...... huhu.......  penduduk Paka,, bersiap sedia menghadapi banjir air  mata yang akan melanda tak lama lagi....... haha..... buat lawak la pulak tengah tengah malam ni..... *tengok jam jap*........2359 hours..... lagi satu minit nak masuk esok..... bagus bagus......


taw tak,, tadi Nadh jadi penyibuk kat kelas tambahan cikgu Azizah..... cikgu Azizah tu cikgu chemistry kat sekolah lama...... I'd called my girl last night and she told me that cikgu Azizah would hold an extra class...... Nadh pun dengan humble nye attend class tu sekali pagi tadi..... hihi...... jumpa kawan kawan yang da lama lama sangat yang  teramat tak jumpa...... I MISS MY BUDDIES MUCH LOT...... do they miss me?? okey,, don't wanna think about it......

tapi pape pun,, hope dapat jumpa korang lagi....... hik hik..... insyaAllah Nadh yang selalu busy takkan menyibukkan diri bila korang ajak jumpa ........

bye.... good night...... sleep tight...... sweet dream (lame tak wish ayat ni kat MR Pak Cik,,,,kuang kuang kuang).......

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

for my special ones

this entry is specially made for my beloved parents who have adored me, taken care of me, etc..... 

4th May - father's birthday
~ happy birthday my beloved daddy..... semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki 

7th May - Mother's Day
~ happy mother's day mommy...... you are the best mother in the world 

for my parents:-
you are my everything.... without you I'm nothing..... I love you more than words can say till my last breath.....

ps:memandangkan NADHIRAH ni akan pulang ke rumah lagi tiga minggu,, so,, Nadh prepare awal-awal..... takut tak sempat nak wish.....

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^^be right back in a few weeks^^

huhu..... =(  Gonna miss you you all......

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Friday, April 13, 2012

~kisah hati~


click on the picture for a bigger view

seriously,, hari ni takde idea sangat nak update apa.... tapi mengenangkan tanggungjawab,,, Nadh pun menggagahkan jari jemari halus ni menaip...... bukan apa,, Nadh tengah takde mood ni..... mengenangkan esok nak kena balek hostel.....HUWA!!!! mommy,,, Nadh tak nak balek..... hostel is like hell..... entahlah,, Nadh rasa peraturan hostel semua nye don't make any sense..... !@#$%^&*........haha..... bukan mencarut ye..... saje nak tekan semua button simbol......

tadi kat FB ada sorang kawan Nadh bagitahu ada problem.... Nadh mintak dia cerita tapi dia tak nak..... dia kata dia da pour out kat orang laen..... hmmm...... bukan nak busy body hal orang...... tapi da sifat semula jadi kalau tahu kawan ada masalah,, sifat curiosity tiba tiba menebal..... CURIOSITY KILL THE CAT,, not human right?? bila dengar kawan Nadh kata macam tu,, serta merta Nadh rasa macam Nadh ni kawan yang tak berguna.....

Nadh cuma nak bantu kawan..... Nadh suka dengar masalah orang..... Nadh pun tak taw kenapa.... masalah sendriri punya unsolve..... okey,,Nadh memang manusia yang teruk..... dia ada hak nak cerita kat sape sapa..... kalau dia da tak nak cerita nak paksa buat ape kann......

ps: dear friends,, do seek me if you have any problem....I'm here to lend my ears and my shoulders....I'm here to wipe your tears,, to chase away all your fears,, to bring the color of rainbow for you.......

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Thursday, April 12, 2012


miss you a lot UMI AISYAH CHE MOHD AMRAN........ I haven't see you for donkey years..... I miss our moments..... I miss our time..... sweety,, I've nobody to trust as a friend except you....... everything that we've been through is a kind of jewelery which is hard to toss away...... it sticks tightly in my mind..... and I hope so do you..... please,, I beg you...... don't forget you,,don't replace me...... I'm still mourning of our separation..... I don't wanna see our friendship in a deathbed..... I don't wanna bury our friendship....... I just want our friendship to blossom all the time and keep producing a nice smell........

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hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt

someone takes my place and it's totally hurt.. ='( 

I've no idea what I'm thinking.... should I stop it or just let it pass by?? I miss them a lot..... and they've told me so many times that they miss me too.... but it was before..... I think that everything that we've been through all this time has started to fade away...... they don't tell me anything but I know even from the far,, they have someone as my replacement......they and the girl seem so close..... just like they and I before..... is this a jealousy?? yes it is..... I'm still living in our memories but they seem like they had forgotten everything that we used to have...... LIFE MUST GO ON..... I know..... but I can't accept my new life..... it is painful to go through...... honestly,, I always pray that I can have my old days..... I miss it much  lot..... do they think the same??

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

baik,, ustazah!!

baru bagi nasihat sikit orang da panggil ustazah
pakai tudung labuh sikit orang da panggil ustazah
solat tak tinggal orang da panggil ustazah
cakap pasal agama orang da panggil ustazah

semua tu ustazah aje ke kena wat?? orang laen tak boleh buat?? kann semua perkara tu wajib dilaksanakan oleh semua umat Islam.....
fikirfikir kan lah

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Wordless Wednesday

smile is infectious

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm home

ngee~~~~~~ I feel like I've been away from home for donkey years.... but actually,, only two weeks..... alright.. I don't think the word "only" is necessary....... It's not a big surprise when someone like me *homesick-er* is at home on Tuesday.... I've no idea.... I were okay before the school holiday last month..... but since the holiday ended,,, urm,,,, well,, I got all the symptoms of homesick...... fever had 'come' to me three week ago and it do not leave me yet....sore throat is about to say hello to me..... and flu,, I can only say "easy come easy go"........ cry in my sleep sometimes...... feel helpless..... my family and my bosoms never leave my head even a single millisecond....... whata horrible........ I've experienced this before and I've promised to myself to that I won't repeat the same thing that happened when I were in form one...... but,,, I've broken the promise....... "Nadhirah,, please forgive me"  >saying yo myself<

so,, why I'm home at Tuesday not at Thursday as usual?? tomorrow the whole Malaysia will celebrate the appointment of Agung.......everybody won't go to school or work..... so,, I take this opportunity to go home early.... haha..... it's only  joke..... I got something to do tomorrow..... I can't tell ya what it is but I'm pretty sure that tomorrow gonna be a super-busy day......... ^_^

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