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Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Cute Thing About Your Partner

I think it is cute to have a partner who remembers everything about your relationship like how you both know each other, when is your first met, what color of your scarf that day, when was the first time he/she confessed, when did you guys get married, how did you look on that day.

And it is much cuter when he/she remembers every single detail about you. Like what is your dream car, your favorite color, your phobias, your childhood stories, your comfort outfit even though you only tell them about it once and they seems not to pay attention but they actually did and they remember it.

I'm not gonna be that cute partner I guess. Sometimes I forgot my boyfriend's age. Bhahahaha.

I might forget those things. I'm gonna even forget our anniversary. Pity you baby to have a forgetful wife like me.

[I'm being cringy lately. Sorry]
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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My Dream Wedding

Hi peeps. It is good to see you again. It's been awhile I didn't write here omg I feel bad. Been lacking of idea but don't worry here I am gain to share my 20 cents (sorta)

So last weekend I went to a wedding ceremony on behalf of my parents since they were not in town on that day. I don't get this opportunity often since my parents always wanted me to stay at home babysitting my little brothers while they go out socializing lol so this content may be common to you but kinda bizarre to me lol ( sorry my lol usage goes outta control )

What can I tell you about the ceremony is, it was so simple. As if there's no ceremony at all. There was only two canopies which were set up on the house yard, tak halang laluan jalan. There's no pelamin. They just set up a swing which was hung at a tree and decorate it with some fake flowers. There's no karaoke, no songs played out loud, no photographer, no professional make up artist etc.

Our family's open house is far merrier that the wedding ceremony. Well I guess maybe it was because it is majlis sambut menantu, and the son is not the first child so no need meriah sangat.

And the invitation card, they just photocopied it on A4 papers and cut them into three. And there's no envelope. More like a flyer.

Well it's actually my dream wedding. I want my wedding ceremony to be exactly like that. There just a few things which need to be done, not time consuming, money saving, and most important thing is it don't cause headache.

Don't need pelamin because I don't want to bersanding. No need karaoke, DJ or something. I don't want them to play songs out loud. Those things are only gonna mess up my head. No need a lot of canopies, no need to cause traffic jam. I don't want people who pass by curse me on my wedding day. And the invitation card, I think there would be no invitation card. I'll share my house location via whatsapp lol just kidding. But I'll make it as simple as it can be. Yelaa nanti orang buang jugakk, so it is so wasteful to have a fancy invitation card.

But yeah photographer is a must. Cause I want everything that happened on that day to be photographed.

I would like to have the solemnization and reception on the same day. So prepare baju kawin sepasang je, takyah tukar tukar, Pakai je that baju from majlis nikah sampai habis majlis makan makan tu. And I really want to wear kebaya on my wedding day. I don't go for fancy dress, gown kembang. I'll look like a moving mushroom. And my husband would wear baju melayu, sampin, keris and tanjak instead of suit and tie (even though guy who wears suit and tie catches my eyes)

We'll have a traditional wedding ceremony on that day. A ceremony yang macam orang dulu dulu buat. Sebelum semua orang start menunjuk nunjuk nak buat majlis meriah, sewa dewan bagai. Lol.

And I would like to pay everything on my own. Taknak sedara sponsor, taknak parents sponsor, taknak mintak duit husband (I don't even want hantaran) [takpe biy you boleh simpan duit tu buat beli barang dapur lepas kawin. Bini you ni suka makan hiks]

Tapi tu majlis belah Nadh la. Majlis belah husband buat style dream wedding dia.

Actually, belum kemaruk nak kawin pun. I still have many goals which need to be achieved before I get married. Tapi if one day da sampai masa nak berlaki, Nadh nak buat majlis simple cenggitu. Hoping that I'll get the chance to get married, to be a bride, to have my dream wedding come true,and most important thing is to get married with the love of my life. hiks.


(ps: sorry there's no picture that this entry is like a boring article)
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