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Saturday, May 19, 2018

I can finally breathe

Hey yaa,

It's been five months since my last post. Been coping with so many things lately. My family and I moved into a new house at the end of January, right after I finished my final examination of semester 5. So many things to do back then. Gotta clean the house, babysit the two babies, unpack things, helping my dad with the drilling works etc. And of course, as a typical girl, I got a lot of clothes, scarf, handbags, novels etc etc etc. Life was really tiring back then. And the semester break only lasted for three weeks. I got three weeks to settle up everything.

The new semester started, and it was semester 6. Guess what it means? It means that we had to do our theory part of final year project. Everything is so new to me. Like wth is literature review? How to make an introduction? Methodology? Wth is that? And there's some issues at the very the first start. I had to find the new supervisor since the old one was going to pursue his study. I knew it at the very last minute. How fucked up I was at the moment. Thank God I got to find the one on the same day. The issues were not just that. My fyp title was redundant with my friend. And we're under the same supervisor. I had already made the research about that title. All that efforts had to go down the dumps. So the current supervisor gave me the one title and I had to start all over again. Do some studies, dig the internet etc etc etc. Damn.

Coping with fyp is so tiring, mentally and physically. I don't even have time to pay attention to the other subjects. I lost track. Seriously. My spirit was so down, my social life is suffering, I stopped talking with everyone, I stopped eating, I lose weight (am 32 kgs now. I lose 5 kgs), I lose sleep. I'd been in that condition for months. I don't even have time to breathe.

My stress level rose with the last minute assignment. Sir, not all student do the assignment at the last minute. Why did you do this to me?? It was a deathly semester I swear. Everything, everyone seems to want me dead. And of course the group members who want to do the assignment at the very eleventh hour although the work had been assigned at the early of the semester. Crap!

I should've been paying attention to final examination now instead of coping the assignment. Nevertheless, glad that some of the work had been done and submitted. I can finally breathe now.

Here's an advice:

You are allowed to occupy yourselves with any association, any organization, hold as many positions as you want, but please, do manage your time wisely. You gotta know how to prioritize your task. Don't ever troubled the other group members, waiting for you to finish your task.

Another advice:

Please please please be responsible to your task. Don't simply copy and paste the content directly from the internet or journals etc etc etc and ask the person who compiles the work to rephrase the content. And, there are so many ways to improve your English, please do so. Don't use "aku ni orang kampung je, tak reti sangat bahasa inggeris"  as an excuse. It's lame. You can't just send your work at the very last minute and ask the compiler to proofread and rephrase the content. 

Out of all those issues, I'm grateful that I have a few people around me who lift my spirits up, who hear me whining, who give me support, who spend their time with me so that I can unwind my stress. Thanks a lot to Hafizan who will always wish me luck (although it's already been too late lol hahaha), my sisters who always hear me complaining about my unfortunate life and my parents with their last minute support (I thought they're not going to care, but they did although it was last minute) and endless du'a.

Lastly, I have upcoming stories to share with you guys. I hang up with some of my friends, Dibah, Hafizan and Bawie. I'll write the stories later. GTG, gotta send my brother off to the hostel.

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