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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

happily ever after

salam. ni bukan cerita Cinderella ye yang jumpa anak raja and then lived happily ever after.... kali ni Nadh nak post pasal kebahagiaan....... hah?! bukan kebahagiaan rumah tangga ye... Nadh tak pro dalm hal hal macam tu....

untuk sihat dan bahagia, kita diberi beberapa pilihan untuk dibuat. antaranya:

BERIMAN. Daripada Abu Yahya Shuhaib bin Sinan r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda yang bermaksud :
"Memang sangat menakjubkan keadaan orang Mukmin kerana segala urusannya mendatangkan kebaikan baginya dan ini tidak akan berlaku kecuali bagi orang yang beriman. Apabila memperoleh kesenangan dia bersyukur, maka yang demikian itu kebaikan baginya. Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan ia bersabar, maka yang demikian itu juga kebaikan baginya."
(Riwayat Muslim)

LUPAKAN MASA LALU. Semua yang telah berlaku disebabkan perhatian yang terpaku pada peristiwa silam, merupakan kebodohan dan kegilaan.

JANGAN SIBUKKAN DIRI DENGAN MASA DEPAN. Masa depan masih berada di alam ghaib. Jangan terlalu risau memikirkannya, ia akan datang jua dengan sendirinya. Allah s.w.t berfirman:
"Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya wali wali Allah, tiada kebimbangan (daripada sesuatu yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka, dan mereka pula tidak berduka cita"
(Surah Yunus, ayat 62)
Maksud tiada kebimbangan adalah tiada kebimbangan tentang tentang perkara perkara yang belum berlaku. Manakala maksud tidak berduka cita pula adalah susah hati pada perkara perkara yang sudah berlalu.

BERZIKIR. Berzikirlah kepada Allah dengan sebanyak banyaknya, nescaya anda akan memperoleh ketenangan dan kedamaian sebagaimana maksud firman Allah:
"Orang yang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah. Ketahuilah dengan zikrullah itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia."
(Surah ar-Ra'd, ayat 28)

KESEDARAN. Perlu sedar bahawa setiap sesuatu adalah ketentuan qadak dan qadar.

Jangan mengharapkan terima kasih daripada orang lain.

Semua yang berlaku pada diri kita pada hakikatnya adalah baik.

Sesungguhnya selepas setiap kesusahan itu ada kemudahan.

Jangan berputus asa hanya kerana perkara remeh.

Ja;an keluar kepada penyelesaian sentiasa terbuka dengan syarat bertaqwalah kepada Allah sebagaimana firman Allah bermaksud:
"Dan sesiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah nescaya Allah akan mengadakannya jalan keluar (daripada segala perkara yang menyusahkannya), serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya."
(Surah al-Talaq, ayat 2-3)
sumber: Solusi isu 21
tu je untuk korang kali nih..... hope korang sentiasa happy and bahagia ye.....

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Monday, January 23, 2012

arghh!!!! stress nye~~

hi korang.... sihat tak hari ni?? ada yang stress tak hari ni?? kalau stress,, korang baca entry Nadh yang kali nih.... harap harap berguna untuk korang........

Menurut Anas bin Malik, apabila Rasulullah s.a.w berhadapan dengan sebarang kesusahan, Baginda akan membaca doa berikut:

Maksudnya: "Wahai Allah Yang Maha Hidup dan Maha Kekal, dengan rahmat-Mu aku memohon permohonan. Perbaikilah keadaanku seluruhnya dan janganlah engkau biarkan nasibku ditentukan oleh diriku sendiri walaupun sekadar sekelip mata."
(Riwayat al-Nasa'i)

Daripada Ibn Abbas, Rasulullah s.a.w akan membaca doa berikut apabila ditimpa kerisauan dan kesulitan:
Maksudnya: "Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah selain Allah, Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Lembut. Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah selain Allah, Tuhan Arasy yang agung. Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah selain Allah, Tuhan langit dan bumi dan Tuhan Arasy yang mulia."
(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Doa 3
Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa apabila Rasulullah s.a.w. berhadapan dengan suatu kesusahan yang besar, Baginda akan mengangkat kepala ke langit dan berdoa berikut:
Maksudnya: "Maha Suci Allah Yang Maha Agung."
(Riwayat al-Tarmizi)

Doa 4
Daripada Abu Bakar r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w membacakan doa apabila ditimpa kesusahan seperti berikut:
Maksudnya: "Ya Allah aku mengharapkan rahmat-Mu. Wahai  Tuhanku, perbaikkanlah seluruh keadaan diriku; dan janganlah Engkau serahkanku kepada diriku sendiri walau sekelip mata. Tiada Tuhan melainkan Engkau
(Riwayat Abu Daud) 

sumber: Majalah Solusi

semua yang kat atas tu adalah doa..... untuk Muslim,, doa adalah senjata kita.... so, gunakan doa untuk memohon sesuatu.. semoga doa doa kita yang baik diperkenankan Allah

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♋ Cancer > My Zodiac ♋

hye korang..... korang sihat tak?? Nadh dengar macam ada orang batuk?? siapa?? hahaha... Nadh yang batuk.... uhuk uhuk!!! korang,, Nadh nak tanya something nih..... Zodiac korang apa ek?? ada yang zodiac CANCER tak??? ada???? haha.... sama dengan Nadh la.....

hari ni Nadh nak bagitahu pasal CANCER.......diingat sekali lagi,, CANCER yang zodiak ye,,, bukan penyakit tu..... kat TWITTER,, Nadh ada follow dua tiga account yang cerita pasal zodiac nih..... kalau nampak je perkataan CANCER,,, Nadh memang akan retweet........ haha......

jangan terlalu taksub dengan zodiac ni...... sekadar untuk pengetahuan korang je... tapi kadang kadang apa zodiac kata betul jugak terutama tentang sifat dan perangai...... maybe diorang da buat kajian kut.......

okey okay..... ada dua tiga pasal CANCER yang diorang tulis..... Nadh "retweet" kat sini yea..... hahaha!!

If a  is mad, you better get out of that room...
Once you are loved by a  they will never stop working to make you feel special.
 should watch out for: stomach problems, including  indigestion, food allergies, ulcers, obesity, also depression.
 weak spots: the breasts, chest and stomach.
's are wild but discreet.
 drinking style: They're a comfort drinker -- an extra wine with dinner or an after-work beer.
's best friends: 
's won't settle for less because they know they deserve the best.
No matter where a  is, they are always thinking of you.
 is very black and white when someone wrongs them. There is no negotiation, and no reprieve - you are history.
 may be hard on the outside, but they are beautiful on the inside.
if you need to take a shower you need to make sure you dont let  go first.. they love water and will take a while
 will take a significant amount of time to place trust in someone, especially if past experiences with love have been painful.
 uses Food, Music and even water to try to keep themselves in a good mood
When a  is in a bad mood it's probably because money is tight
Fairness is a 's passion, and they have a personal need to live according to a set of ethical standards.
When a  says they don't want to be bothered, don't bother them. Seriously, we just have those days where we wanna be alone.
 is aware of someone trying to snoop in their business so they will keep it short or say "nothing". BYE NOSEY
 will remember all the wrong doings done to them. So be careful, we will use it against you in the future.
 can talk endlessly about their family and loved ones.
Advice from a  is generally common sense. They have a great memory to draw upon, and will remind you about your values.
 is turned on by a caring partner and a sensitive, soft caress.
 lover will be more than happy to spend money on you.
Things a  doesn’t want to hear: Stories about your friends and how funny something was to you a long time ago.
Things a  will share: A passion for his or her work or hobbies, and how everything/anything is ridiculously expensive.
's don't share there secrets with just anyone.
As a  your worries are based on the truth that your have a tough time trusting.
 needs a romantic partner who accepts their moodiness.
's are a tad materialistic & like the finer things in life.
 Memiliki inteligensi cukup tinggi, pandai menganalisa segala sesuatu dan rela berkorban
 sering tepat mengenai sasaran sehingga bisa terkenal dan dihormati serta pandai mengatur organisasi
 gets irritated by well...almost anything.
As a  a hobby or interest has to absorb you totally otherwise your mind wanders.
As a  one of your nightmares is losing your security.
Don't be surprised when a  changes their tune overnight.
Once you know a  really well, they will look for something new and exciting. Don't worry, they will always think of you ;)
 are devoted partners who love children & marry for life ♋ 
's calm themselves down through masturbation.
's will grow on you.
 weaknesses to watch out for: possessiveness, moodiness
With a : Be vulnerable and a Cancer will show you the way to true emotional security in a relationship.
"let's just be friends..." words of a 
 seems to have 2 personalities. One is very outgoing, funny and quirky. The other is shy, moody and antisocial.
's are very sensitive they take things to heart.
 girls can be sensitive but they are stronger than you think.
Most complicated sign to love 
 can make you happy without even trying.
the mind of a  is very complex. We have a lot of thoughts and emotions that we normally can't express very easily.
 Strength Keyword - Caring
 isn't the type to make assumptions about people because of what they "hear." we like to explore and get to know people for ourselves
Sentimentality and willingness to explore emotional terrain are necessary qualities of the  relationship.
Go to the ocean, go dancing, have candlelit dinners and evenings by firelight. Loving a  man or woman requires romance.
if a  wants something they're going to get it one way or another. just know that.
 is defensive... They don't intentionally hurt a person unless they have done something wrong to them
's calm themselves down through masturbation.
demanding a  to do something is the quickest way to get a no.
  pribadi yang ulet dan berani menghadapi segala kemungkinan
# Cancer: Show your loyalty to the child and invest in the dreams they have in common. Color: green.
# Cancer (23/01) Look at what is not legal in your life, maybe it's time to make some changesColorGray. "
A lovely day makes a Cancer feel good.
Cancer female loves jewelry and may make her own.
 is always aware of things going on around them and they are very observative
Cancers are not one to argue over the internet unless they are bored.
Just when people thought cancer couldn't do, here we come turning heads.
Cancers dislike people who take shit too serious.
A loving touch is all a  really needs.
Cancer has the best convos with Libra and Taurus.
Cancer likes and prefers persistency.
's are usually best with money. (Cap's a close 2nd) They like the stability and security they get from having a hefty bank account.
, know the world is a fun place if you are brave enough to step outside your home!
 will like you better if you can help them control their emotions.
As a  despite your innate loyalty, if you get tired of a love relationship, you could decide to give up and move on.
Cancers are aware of people who only there when they want to be. That's how they become sophisticated and independent, not giving a fuck.
Taurus friend amuses Cancer when Cancer becomes upset. Cancer can't help but laugh and be happy again.
When a Cancer has a lot of built in rage, a nice curse out will be likely to somebody who been pushing their buttons.
Pisces male is likely to become attracted to the Cancer female before she recognizes him.
's give great advice and know how to cheer you up.
 are very cautious when it come to matters of the heart
W/Mercury in Cancer you have an emotional, impressionable, imaginative, sympathetic &very changeable mind 
The Best Cars for a  : Mitsubishi Eclipse,Toyota Camry station wagon,Honda Odyssey,Subaru Legacy, and BMW X5.
You're receptive and sensitive to other people, but your reason can be swamped by your feelings and senses. 
You're receptive and sensitive to other people, but your reason can be swamped by your feelings and senses. 
Cancers enjoy a funny person being around.
A Cancer knows how to tune a person out to the point they get intimidated.
 are cautious but if their intuition makes them feel like its love at first sight they will jump  follows intuition over their mind, heart or Any advice they have been given
If you decide to settle down with a  know you'll always be taken care of.
's love their mothers.
As a  your funny side shows itself in the most unlikely of situations.

nanti Nadh share lagi yea...gotta go~

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