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Friday, June 20, 2014

Judgement of Jury



as promised,, tonight I'm gonna post a new entry y'all..

Now , Nadh nak start berfalsafah.
Have heard this quote 

If you judge someone without knowing the person, it means that you define yourself.
Here's my words

Judging people without getting to know them better is called misjudge. Sometimes misjudge can be you defining yourself. You absolutely have no rights to judge others as you only see what they want you to see and you don't know what is hidden. Everyone has their own story behind everything they show. Your first thought of people is what you are exactly, your reflection. So, let us change. Stop thinking bad and negative about others. 

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Monday, June 16, 2014



I still remember how you loved literature so much
I still remember how high your dream to be a successful author
I still remember how you admired JK Rowling so much
I still remember the beauty of your words

Dearest friend, you left me for a year yet everything we did together is in my mind like it happens yesterday. Maybe we were meant not to be best friend for a long time but I'm really appreciate your presence. Maybe you only meant to be my past but I'll bring our memories to the present and future. I don't want to forget you. I'll say your name when I pray.

I never like your words when you were talking. I used to say that every word you address is like an old literature book. However I can't help it all those words that you've ever say is so beauty and meaningful. I must confess that I miss those words you've said so much. I used to dream that we can achieve our ambition together. I told you that I would buy all your masterpiece. Looks like it is just a dream that can't be true.

We've been friend for ten years and we were so close. You understood me and knew me well. You knew my secrets. And yes, of course the secret will always be secret. I'm still finding your replacement. Person who will fill the blank spot that you've left. You have been a part of my life.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014



Tak nak membebel panjang panjang ..

Salam Nisfu Syaaban

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Smile =)


Faking a smile can literally confuse your brain and improve your mood, making you happier. So, smile even if the sky is grey. Smile although the clouds is about to pour the rain.

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

#KMPk !! Whatsapp yob !!


hoi hoi hoi.. Long time no see you guys.. So I 'stole' a little of time to write here.... Blogging is my favourite activity that I miss the most .... huhu ...

well, I'm driving in the fast lane now. It is like playing games against time... If you don't reach your destiny before the time ends, you'll lose the game .... I would like to share about my first week as a matriculation student.

It is not that bad as Faziera claimed... haha.... she's now in Malim Matriculation College, Kedah... she got no friends at first but now she had overcome the problem... well done, dear !! that's the spirit ....

wanna know something ,, all this time I never realized that this year I'm going eighteen until I went to the first class...
First class, English lesson
Me: Aku 18 tahun rupanya tahun ni..
First dapat lab coat ...



Today after lunch ...
boleh ?

So many things happen here since the first day I went to this place on 26th May.... and yes,, the things happen really make me strong and more independence.... Being away from parents is the hardest thing that I've faced as I'm too rely on them ..... here,, I gotta solve my problem by my own .... to be honest,, all those things that I've faced here is bad enough to make me cry...
but then I talked to myself,

I'm a big girl now and big girl don't cry. She strong to face the problem that come into her way. It is not easy to success. It is like a survival game. Hunger Games. Sometimes it is okay not to feel okay. Crying may help you relieve you. But after that you gotta wipe your tears and start to move.

I believe that as long as we leave everything to Allah ,, everything will be okay ...

Tawakaltu 'Alallah
Hasbi Allah Wani'mal Wakeel

I felt so excited to start my new life here and I still do... haha ..... I've made new friends here.... My classmates,, they are so sporting and easy-going .... It is great to have them as classmates ... and the lecturers are so nice... doesn't like what I've been imagined before I went to the class... I thought that they were fierce and strict and firm .... well,, I guess firm and strict is needed.... but they not that kind of pressuring and not that fierce... like scold the students without a clear reason ....

but yeah,, when talking about meal and food,, I still don't have any appetite to eat.... miss my parents' cook too much that I can't take others food.. I often eat biscuit and instant food like instant noodle, instant soup and instant porridge.... the only dish that I take here is lauk ikan keli .... I can't help it but the cookers here doing well when it is comes to ikan keli ... (or maybe I never eat other dishes.. I guess other dishes that they have are delicious too but I never try them ) .. and I take rice when I felt really starve to death,, shaking all over my body ,, gastric , etc .... It sounds like I'm digging my own grave...

It have been two weeks I do not see the outside world .... I'm too lazy for an outing but my soul is screaming for an outing ....  well, you know how 'kutu rayau' like is ..... I thought that my 'kutu rayau' behaviour is gone after the national service training programme but unfortunately I'm absolutely wrong ....

I love to take a tour to the place I never been actually and unluckily I don't have the opportunity....

I guess I should stop here for now... GTG, TTYL.. ??

bye ...


ps: bila dikira, ditambah dan ditolak, jumlah masa Nadh kat rumah sejak habis SPM hanyalah 4 minggu... dua miggu lepas SPM then balik Johor kerja dengan auntie,, balik rumah seminggu then melapor kat PLKN ,, balik dari PLKN seminggu then daftar kat KMPk ni ... huhu.... maybe da sampai masa Nadh betul betul berfikir macam orang besar.. macam Abah dengan Ibu... stay jauh nun di Terengganu walhal family masing masing kat Negeri Sembilan and Johor... tapi Nadh ni fikiran macam nak bermanja manja lagi dengan Ibu.... huu...
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